30 fun things to do while I'm 30 years old

My word for 2018 is FUN! I want to find the playful side of whatever I'm doing, from my health and wellness business, to writing, to working out, to my marriage and hanging out with my kids. So often we get stuck focusing on what is mundane or what is lacking from our life that we forget to notice the little moments we could be enjoying.

Since my birthday is January 11 it coincides nicely with the New Year. Not to mention it was a milestone birthday for me this year - 30 years old! A new decade! I decided to make a list of 30 fun things to do while I'm 30 years old and kick this decade off with a bang!

30th birthday

1. Get a massage

2. Read the Harry Potter series again

3. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

4. Explore a new city

5. Go hiking

6. Make my own donuts

7. Design and decorate the entryway to our home

8. Get published on a website I haven’t written for yet

9. Read a novel in Spanish

10. Start a savings account for a down payment on a house

11. Start a savings account for our 10-year anniversary trip

12. Thread my eyebrows

13. Figure out a natural skincare routine

14. Curate a capsule wardrobe

15. Spend a night away from the kids

16. Have a morning routine

17. Visit the Florida Keys

18. Get rid of the clutter in our home

19. Have one-on-one dates with all my kids

20. Start a Family Travel Penny Savings Jar

21. Make a chore chart for the kids

22. Drink a Café Cubano

23. Swim in the ocean

24. Create the perfect boho-chic bracelet stack

25. Be on a podcast

26. Make Nutella crepes with the kids

27. Write an eBook

28. See my sister play volleyball

29. Learn to use the grill

30. See a sunrise on the beach

30 fun things.png

What would you put on your "Fun List"?
