30 days to better health

30 day health challenge

My Story

I was never one to take supplements or protein shakes. I knew my nutrition was not up to par, but was convinced I could out-exercise my bad diet. That is, until I had a baby. Suddenly I didn't recognize my body, and I didn't have as much free time to do long uninterrupted workouts. I didn't love how I looked, especially the inflammation in my face, and I needed an energy boost if I wanted to get anything done during my daughter's naps. I knew I needed a change, but didn't know what I was missing.

Quite by accident, I stumbled upon an organic standard system that seemed to fit seamlessly into our family's lifestyle. I had seen so many friends have incredible transformations, and was ready to experience my own. In that first month, it felt like I was lit up inside, I gained energy and mental clarity, and I felt less bloated. I watched my husband drop 20 pounds, and I saw my own abs for the first time ever. And we were able to do all this while still enjoying the foods we love. It seems natural to replace the smoothies I used to make with a superfood shake, or have one post-workout, and I love how it cuts down on meal-prep time now that I'm a busy mom of 2.

Everyone should feel this good. 

What do you do when you find something you love? You share it! You tell your family and friends, so they can experience it, too!

That's what I want to do. I want to see you reach your weight loss goals. I want to show you how to fuel your workouts and take them to the next level. I want to see you feel confident in your clothes, lose your guilt, and have energy to do what you're passionate about.

So what is it?

This proven nutritional system and health program is the perfect compliment to your busy, healthy lifestyle. The cleansing and fat burning starter pack assists the body in it's natural process of removing impurities, while flooding it with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It is perfect for those want to lose weight or feel more energetic using a long-term, flexible program.

The cleanse days aren't as scary as they sound. I'm consuming something once an hour on a cleanse day, so my body is still receiving nutritional support, while giving my digestive system a break. The first day is meant to aid the body in removing impurities, while the second day targets visceral fat. Pretty cool! Plus any cleanse day that allows for coffee and chocolate is a win in my book!

safe cleanse schedule

You may experience:

+ more energy

+ consistent weight loss over time

+ improved muscle tone

+ balanced digestion

+ better sleep

+ increased mental clarity.

What you get

+ A 30 day supply of targeted health solutions

+ 2 meal replacements/day, saving on groceries

+ Access to a private Facebook page with product support and healthy lifestyle tips

+ A community of supportive, likeminded people with similar goals

+ Wholesale prices on your own online health food store

Is this for me?

It may not be for everyone, but if you are:

+ ready for a change

+ looking for a healthy lifestyle that's convenient and manageable long term

+ searching for support and a community

+ committed to making a change for 30 days

this might be your solution!

How Can You Get Started?

  • Serious inquiries can find out more here
  • If you want a sneak peek into our private Facebook community to learn more, send me a private Facebook message and I'll add you! 


"The 30-Day System was not only extremely beneficial for me physically, but it also was even beneficial for me mentally. Physically, I was able to lose 25 pounds and felt much better working out and doing more physical activity. I had much more energy as well during the 30-Day system and that helped with my family's busy lifestyle. Mentally, I realized just how important it is to eat healthy and had a different mindset on what we should and should not be eating. Overall, I just felt so much better in many ways after doing the 30-Day System. I'm also excited about continuing to use Isagenix products in the future." - Justin
"I began using this program about a year and half ago, beginning with the 30 day system. Before I began using the products I felt complacent with my weight and health. I figured that it was just okay to continue in my unhealthy lifestyle as long as I wasn’t super overweight. After using the 30-day system, I realized that taking the time to focus on my health allowed me to be a better person both mentally and physically. I was able to release over ten pounds, drop two pants sizes, and have a mental mindset that I CAN forgo being complacent and truly be healthy and happy. These products allowed me to achieve so much more than losing a few pounds, they have changed my outlook on my health and everyday being."  -Maggie
My amazing parents dropped weight and sizes, dropped the Diet Coke addiction, and feel and look amazing!

I have seen these products change so many lives, including my own. I know you can do it, too!  Email me for a consultation to find the right products and system for you. Let's do this together!

Wishing you health and wellness,
