friday favorites #6

Happy Friday once again! The weeks seem to be flying by lately, but I don't mind. Our family is busy with lots of activities at our church and school, but I'm loving that we've gotten into a good rhythm. Things are running pretty smoothly as far as bedtime, packing lunches, and getting out the door on time go, and we're really in a sweet season of life. I know things are going to be turned upside down in just a few short months with the arrival of this new baby, so I'm treasuring these days with my first 2!

Anyway, I have a few fun things to share from this week, so sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy!

1. valentine's day treat // 2. mornings at home //3. the book of acts // 4. clementines //5. dairy free chocolate shakes

1. Valentine Munch

Danielle at A Sprinkle of Joy posted this delicious and simple treat, and I knew I had to make it with Pippa. We assembled the ingredients this past Sunday right before the Super Bowl, and have been snacking on it all week. It's the perfect mix of salty and sweet!

2. Mornings at home

Now that we're all on the road to recovery from this nasty cold going around, my mornings at home with the kids have been so fun! Pippa and Teddy have been playing together so nicely, and we've been enjoying the beautiful weather here in Florida on our morning walks. A highlight this week was library story time where the theme was Valentine's Day, and kids got to make "Love Bug" hats. I like my crafts best when someone else is in charge of them and I don't have to clean up.  

3. The book of Acts

The First 5 app has a study on the book of Acts, and it just so happens to be one of my all time favorite books of the Bible to study! Something about the conviction of the disciples right after Jesus ascends into heaven is so inspiring. 

4. Halo brand clementines

I've been picking up the 3 lb bag of clementines at Target for an on-the-go snack, and they have been so sweet! Also, I'll take a clementine over an orange any day of the week, since I can't peel an orange without creating a massacre of peel and pulp. The bag isn't even lasting a week in these parts! Good timing...we could really use the Vitamin C boost over here. 

5. Dairy-Free chocolate shakes

I mentioned in this post on my Facebook page that I start each morning with a nutrient-dense protein shake, but lately I've been adding another one in right before bed. This pregnancy has me getting very hungry around 9 p.m., and I was falling prey to the late night bowl of cereal or foraging for sweets in the pantry. After reading up a bit on the concept of protein pacing, I decided to swap out the late-night junk for some high quality protein. The creamy chocolate is really hitting the spot!

That's it for this Friday! Share below something that brightened your week!

Linking up with Carolina Charm and Hello Happiness for Five on Friday, and Andrea from Momfessionals for Friday Favorites!

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