currently °4

making || pumpkin bread with glaze on top. Listen, just because I live in Florida, and temps have been in the high 80s this week, doesn't mean I'm immune to the draw of autumn scents and flavors. 
cooking || nothing tonight! Using up a gift card. Not mad about it.  
drinking || organic coffee infused with coconut oil + protein creamer. So. Good. 
reading || "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown. 
wanting || a new wardrobe for this Florida weather. Minnesota: long sleeves, pants, and boots 85% of the year. Florida: sundresses, tank tops, and flip flops 85% of the year. My closet is no longer serving me. 
listening || to audio books and podcasts on long morning walks
playing || blocks with my baby girl, making the "tallest tower in the world!"
trying || this thing called a budget. Managing the money God has entrusted to us. 
remembering || what it was like 10 days ago when I didn't have this cold...
watching || a little Peppa Pig here, a little Curious George there, with a dash of Super Why when we're feeling crazy. 
deciding || to pray more, trust more, and worry less
wishing || I could get through more than 2 pages of a book per day
planning || my very first Thanksgiving dinner on my own. This is....not going to be pretty. 
enjoying || this morning's temper tantrum wherein Pippa is screaming, "No cock-a-doodle-do...EVER!" because I had the audacity to suggest that she put the toy rooster on top of the Little People house herself while I was nursing Teddy. So...yeah. 
wondering || how long is socially acceptable to go without washing my hair. (Still showering though). 
needing || a great women's devotional book or Bible study book - any suggestions?
wearing || Eau de Spit Up perfume all day every day
noticing || so many friends and acquaintances doing brave and incredible things with their lives - so uplifting and inspiring! 
smelling || a non-organic, non-fancy French Toast candle from WalMart. (Can candles be organic? Is that a thing?)
buying || some Christmas presents for my people...trying to keep it simple and thoughtful. 
feeling || like the calm before the storm...big things are about to happen in life, and I'm reading, planning, preparing it!