MuTu System Final Review

The "mummy tummy." The "pooch." The C-section "shelf stomach." 

Honestly, all of these phrases make me shudder, and if you're a momma who can't figure out how to get rid of that post baby belly, you understand! It's super frustrating to lose all the baby weight and still look 4 or 5 months pregnant. It's disheartening to exercise your hardest only to make your stomach look even more bloated than before. It's emotional to get dressed every day avoiding half of your closet because it highlights your stomach pooch.

That has been my story after having my second and third baby. And I was ready for a change. As I mentioned in the review I wrote halfway through the system, I reached out to the kind folks at MUTU System to collaborate, because I knew there would be so many other moms just like me who wanted to feel comfortable in their own bodies again. 

Disclosure: I received the MUTU System for free in exchange for my review. This is my 100% honest review of the MUTU System, and the results I achieved with it. The links in this post are affiliate links, which means I will make a small commission if you purchase the MUTU System at no extra cost to you!


What is the MUTU System?

MUTU System is for women who want their bodies to look, feel and function better after having a baby. Whether you had your baby 6 weeks ago or 6 years ago or more. A proven, truly effective, tried and tested solution for ‘mummy tummy’, diastasis recti, pelvic floor weakness and core that isn’t as functional or strong as you’d like it to be."

I'm testing the 12 Week Program, which includes:

  • week by week work outs with real time videos and PDFs

  • a nutrition guide

  • support and community

  • information about alignment

  • instructive videos with the science behind the program

  • lifetime access to the program

My Review

Before I dive into my results, I want to talk about the benefits of following the MUTU System in my daily life. Most of us will start the program with the intention of flattening our belly and strengthening our core so we look better in our clothes and so we can resume "normal" workouts. Those were absolutely my main objectives when I got started.

What I discovered when I dug into every aspect of the program, though, was that there is so much more to healing my core than just a flat stomach and the ability to do planks again. I learned about how my whole body worked together to create the problems that led to DR in the first place, and that my whole body can work together to help it heal. 

With this program, I learned how to walk, sit, stand, and bend down to pick things up properly. I learned about how important my shoe choices are, and that healing my core isn't going to happen by just exercising for a few minutes a day, then forgetting about it. In other words, this program is holistic and a lifestyle change, not merely an exercise program.

With that in mind, I realized how big of a commitment healing is, so I needed to make sure I was properly motivated. Make sure you really dig into why you want to do this. For me it was that I wanted to feel comfortable in my clothes, I wanted to resume working out with confidence, and I wanted to start loving the body that gave me my children again. When I connect with that WHY, it's easy for me to make the time required. When it becomes just another item on my to-do list, I let it fall by the wayside. 

What was the time commitment? Can a busy mom fit this in her schedule?

The time commitment is 15 minutes of core work each day. The creator, Wendy Powell, urges you to "walk somewhere" every day, even if it's just around the block. Finally, anywhere from 3-5 days a week are intensive workouts, which are under 25 minutes. 

Can the average mom, especially one with multiple children, find time to do this? I say if it's a priority to her, then yes, she will make the time. You can do the 15-minute core work all at once, or spread it throughout the day. 

Having said that, I will also admit that I didn't stick the program perfectly. As a mom, things come up that throw you off your schedule even with the best planning. During my 12 weeks, I got sidetracked by sick kids, a baby that wouldn't sleep or nap for a while, work and freelance responsibilities, and a hurricane. 

However, I still completed the 12-week program and even repeated some weeks when I felt I didn't give them my best effort. The best part about this investment is that you have access for life. If you feel the need to start over, go back and repeat weeks, or simply pick and choose workouts and core exercises to do once your 12 weeks is up, you have the luxury of doing that!

So, yes. If this is something you really want to do for yourself, you can do it. Simply sit down with your calendar at the beginning of each week and find the time. Also remember to give yourself grace if you miss some days, and get back into it as soon as you can. 

Did you see results? 

Yes. yes yes! You can absolutely see my physical results in the photo below. Am I exactly where I want to be for the rest of my life? No, not yet. I still have some work to do on my core, and I know that will take some time and more consistency. 

mutu system results

I will say this. This is my second time experiencing diastasis recti after pregnancy. The first time I didn't realize I had it until 9 months postpartum, and exercised as normal. This time I knew I had it, and started the MuTu System at about 2 months pp. I feel SO much stronger and my midsection looks better now than it ever did after my second pregnancy. 

More importantly, I feel confident moving forward. Like I mentioned above, I'm more aware of how my lifestyle affects my DR. I know how to breathe and engage my core for any type of exercise. I also know how to tell if my body is not ready for a certain exercise yet. That knowledge alone is invaluable to me. It was what prevented me from exercising when I first found out I had diastasis recti. 

Is it worth the money?

Now that I have been through the 12-week program and experienced the benefits of the program, here is my recommendation:

The program is NOT worth the money for you if:

  • You have time to look up and sift through all of the free resources on the internet

  • Your diastasis isn't too bad, and you feel confident that you can fix it on your own

  • You're not emotionally affected by how you look and feel as a result of your diastasis recti

  • You're living paycheck to paycheck. In that case, use the free internet resources, and try to save up for it if it's something you really want to do!

The program IS worth the money for you if:

  • You want to exercise but need guidance about what exercises to start with, and how to transition to more challenging ones without making your gap worse.

  • You are upset because you can't wear half the clothes in your closet because of your post baby bump.

  • You are feeling lost about where to even start with losing the baby weight, how to exercise, and what to eat.

  • You don't have a lot of spare time to figure out your own exercise program.

  • You can make room in your budget for $147

The updated version of the MUTU System is now one payment of $147. You will have lifetime access to the program. There are now options for support and personal help from a MuTu Pro, as well as accountability checks. I think you’ll love the new updated system - I know I do! I’m now on my third round of MuTu, and I feel better each time I go through the system. Postpartum healing is a process! I’m now 18 months out from baby number three and feeling stronger each day.

I truly hope this review was helpful for those of you suffering from diastasis recti and looking for a solution. I know I like to read reviews and have all the information before making a big purchase, so that was my intention in reviewing this program on the blog.


Still suffering from back pain and other symptoms? Join us for the MUTU System Core Confidence Challenge for FREE!

>> Learn the right exercises and movements to banish back pain and feel strong

>>Discover how a leak-free life is yours for the taking

>>Be shown the path to feeling good in your body and confident in your core.

Sign up and save your spot now >>


If belly bloat is something you struggle with, check this out! You can learn more about the nutrition system so many moms have used to improve their health, lose the baby weight, and gain natural energy in a safe way, head to my Facebook group, Strong For Her Tasks, for more info!


Looking for an exercise program to heal the mommy tummy? An honest review of the MUTU System, a system for how to handle diastasis recti. Here's how the MUTU System works: not just an ab workout for postpartum moms, but a holistic whole body system …
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