Posts in Motherhood
Why You Should Travel with Your Kids Even Though It's Kind of A Pain

So why do people do it? Why do we keep subjecting ourselves to the trials and tribulations of air travel and long road trips with our tiny dictators who leave destruction and lots of crumbs in their wake? Why do we open ourselves up to disrupting routines and sleep schedules? 

It's because the reward is so great. The return on our investment is huge. Yes, travel with kids is tough, but the growth you will see in your children and in yourself makes every sleepless night and transportation nightmare totally worth it.

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10 Tips for Recovering from Long Travel Days

It would have been easy to feel very overwhelmed and let my kids watch unlimited TV and eat every snack they begged for while I regained my sanity. However, I knew that putting these 10 tips into action would make the transition much smoother in the end. 

Re-entry into your everyday atmosphere doesn't have to be miserable. If you remember to implement a few key strategies, you'll be back in the groove in no time. 

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Bento Box and School Lunch Ideas for Kids

If packing lunch is a struggle for you, too, let's go through a few ways to make life easier. I'll provide some lists of ideas for each category, then show you some inspiration from Bento Box Expert Mamas. Don't worry, you don't have to cut your kid's food into cute shapes to be a good mom. Sometimes it's just fun to get ideas or admire other moms in their element, though!

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What to Wear for Disney World in Summer

I find deciding what to wear for a day at a theme park to be exceedingly difficult. On one hand, I want to be comfortable, as these are long days of walking in the hot sun. On the other hand, I want to make sure I look put together since I know we'll be taking a lot of pictures. Outfits need to be breathable and cute, and I need to be able to sit comfortably on all types of rides. 

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